Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 1st, title: "Everyone is amazing!" —Chairman Xi Jinping's New Year's Message for the Year of 2121 Inspires Struggle

  Xinhua News Agency reporters Shi Yucen, Ding Xiaoxi, Wang Peng

  "Salute to all ordinary heroes!"

  "I am proud of the great motherland and people, and proud of the national spirit of continuous self-improvement!"

  "We must continue to struggle and move forward courageously to create even more brilliant glory!"


  On a cold winter night, listening to the footsteps that come in 2021, and feeling the warmth of President Xi Jinping’s New Year’s message, every ordinary you and me seem to have seen their full struggle for the past year.

A warm greeting and a sincere "like" make us laugh with tears but full of pride.

With beautiful dreams in mind, every great Chinese son and daughter will move forward with determination and determination in the attitude of struggle.

  Goodbye, the extraordinary 2020; hello, the endless struggle 2021.

  "Ordinary makes great, heroes come from the people"

  With the first ray of sunshine in the New Year, Liang Shun, the youngest nurse in the ICU department of Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital, wrapped protective clothing, gloves and goggles, and walked into the isolation ward again.

  "Retrograde heroic", "stubborn perseverance", "responsibility for sharing weal and woe", "brave and fearless sacrifice", "moving to watch and help each other"... These sentences in the New Year's greetings connect countless memories of Liang Shun in series.

  The epidemic broke out suddenly, and the young Liang Shun persisted at the forefront of the battle for 120 days, guarding the hope of batch after batch of severe and critically ill patients.

  This is a special "Morning Ceremony".

"It feels like I have grown up all of a sudden." Liang Shun said, "Chairman Xi mentioned our young generation in his congratulatory message and placed high hopes. I will also do my best to protect the lives and health of the people and show youthful demeanor."

  "Converging the force of the trickle into a majestic force, building a copper wall and iron wall to protect life"-the words of the New Year's message, let those unforgettable scenes rush to our hearts again.

  "As we leave the old and welcome the new, Chairman Xi has not forgotten the little work we ordinary people have made. I feel very proud and very happy." Peng Yongzhi of Baijiapu Village, Cuijiaqiao Town, Hanshou County, Hunan Province, has a warm heart.

  On February 1, 2020, Peng Yongzhi drove 5 hours and crossed more than 400 kilometers from his hometown to the Leishenshan Hospital construction site. He was responsible for the erection and commissioning of ventilation pipes, which lasted 8 days.

  Speaking of the reasons for going to the front line, Peng Yongzhi's answer was simple and great: "If one more person arrives at the construction site, the hospital will be completed sooner and the patients will be treated sooner." To the New Year's message, "Countless people go to the mission with their lives." "Take care of the common people with true love", he also has a more profound experience: "Everyone is willing to contribute their own strength, this is a hard-won victory."

  Looking back at 2020, the thrilling will not stop on the battlefield of epidemic prevention and control.

  "We have also withstood severe floods. The army and the people are not afraid of hardships and dangers, and work together to fight floods and rescue disasters, and strive to minimize losses." After listening to the New Year's message, Liu Xiaoni, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Gaotai Township, Funan County, Anhui Province, seemed to be back to those. The days of fighting on the embankment.

  From the opening of the flood gate at Wangjiaba, "the first gate of the Huai River in a thousand miles," to the last road in Gaotai Township where the water surfaced-for nearly 40 days and nights, Liu Xiaoni fought side by side with colleagues, officers and soldiers, and volunteers.

At the hardest time, she only slept for 8 hours in 4 days.

  In August 2020, when General Secretary Xi Jinping was in Anhui to visit and condole the advanced representatives of flood control, flood relief and disaster relief, Liu Xiaoni was among them.

"I will cherish it after experiencing a catastrophe. I will go all out to embark on a new journey of rural revitalization with my fellow villagers in 2021." Liu Xiaoni said.

  "Difficulties show courage, hard work begins to succeed"

  "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0!"

  In the middle of the night on December 31, 2020, people shouted in unison in front of the "Countdown to Poverty Alleviation" electronic board hung in the Poverty Alleviation Office building of the State Council, applauding and cheering as the numbers went to zero.

  "In 2020, we will achieve great historic achievements in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and decisive victory in the decisive battle against poverty." The New Year's message highly affirmed those who have been fighting on the front line of poverty alleviation for eight years.

"As President Xi Jinping said, we have gnawed down the hardest "hard bones"!" Standing in front of the electronic card, Zhang Xianfeng, a poverty alleviation cadre dispatched by the State Council's Poverty Alleviation Office to Weiyuan County, Dingxi City, Gansu Province, was surging.

  Dingxi is "bitter and barren in the world".

In the general attack on the deep-poverty fortress, the enthusiasm of the villagers to move mountains and the dedication of poverty alleviation cadres have just turned the land and water that once "had no human living conditions" into a new home full of hope.

  "Through precise policy implementation, Weiyuan County has been lifted out of poverty one year ahead of schedule. Next, we must fully optimize the poverty alleviation industry." Zhang Xianfeng, who rushed back to Beijing to participate in the "Poverty Alleviation and Rural Revitalization Training Course", began to think about the next step, "Poverty Alleviation" Taking off the hat is not the end, but the starting point for a new life and a new struggle."

  Thousands of miles away, the towering Wumeng Mountain.

In Haiping Village, Weining Yi Hui and Miao Autonomous County, Bijie City, Guizhou Province, the village party secretary Chen Jiashan greeted his family to sit around the fire and listen to Chairman Xi Jinping’s New Year’s message.

  In November 2020, Guizhou Province announced that 9 impoverished counties, including Weining County, would withdraw from the impoverished county sequence.

So far, all 832 impoverished counties in China have taken off their hats; the small Haiping Village has since "removed" the label of "absolute poverty" for thousands of years.

  "The magnificent picture scroll of rural revitalization" and "the goal of common prosperity"... The prospect of the future in the New Year's message made Chen Jiashan delighted: "Chairman Xi Jinping has pointed out the direction of struggle for everyone. We must insist that the green mountains do not relax and work hard. , Better days are yet to come!"

  Seizing the day and night, full of vitality, the self-confident, self-reliant and resilient style of Shenzhou Land is shaped by 1.4 billion Chinese sons and daughters.

  The wharf is docked with huge ships from all over the world, giant bridge cranes are towering, and the truck transportation is endless. Ningbo Zhoushan Port is entering the new year with a high attitude.

  "Running against time to resume work and production, go all out to innovate and create", President Xi Jinping's words reminded the national model worker and Ningbo Zhoushan Port Bridge Crane Driver Zhu Shijie of those unforgettable days and nights.

  In 2020, Ningbo Zhoushan Port's container sea-rail combined transportation business volume "increased against the trend" and exceeded 1 million TEUs for the first time.

"In March 2020, the General Secretary came to Zhoushan Port, hoping that we can still achieve excellent results after overcoming various difficulties and build a world-class strong port. In the past six months, we have gritted our teeth, worked together, and communicated. There was a bright answer sheet." Zhu Shijie smiled comfortedly.

  In the vast expanse of space, "Tianwen No.1" walks towards Mars non-stop.

At the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center, aerospace science and technology personnel are paying close attention to its flight status day and night.

  Hearing President Xi Jinping’s special mention in his New Year’s message that major breakthroughs in scientific exploration such as the “Tianwen No. 1” have been made, academician Ye Peijian, technical adviser of the Fifth Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, was very excited: “This is for all of our astronauts to overcome the impact of the epidemic and unite. The best commendation for completing a national mission. In 2021, China's space station will begin construction, and greater challenges are ahead. We will move forward bravely without fear of hardships and dangers, and make new contributions to building a powerful space country!"

  "The journey is long, only struggle"

  As night falls, the lights are shining, and the struggling Shenzhen people are still busy.

  At 7 pm, Huang Yuanhao, Chairman and CEO of Aobi Zhongguang Technology Group Co., Ltd., who was negotiating business with customers, specially paused to listen to Chairman Xi Jinping’s New Year’s message.

More than two months ago, he listened to the important speech of the general secretary at the 40th anniversary celebration of the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.

  "Chairman Xi once again mentioned that he will continue to write more'spring stories', which has inspired the people of Shenzhen who are in the hot land of reform." Huang Yuanhao said that we must always maintain the spirit of "breakthrough", increase investment in scientific research, and use more Technological breakthroughs and more inclusive innovations will nurture emerging markets in the future, and contribute to a new generation of science and innovation forces for China to win the initiative in the global technological revolution and industrial transformation.

  In Minsk, the capital of Belarus, thousands of miles away from the motherland, Yan Gang, the general manager of the China-Belarus Industrial Park Development Company, carefully watched the New Year's message from President Xi Jinping through the Internet.

"We are more deeply aware of the meaning of a community with a shared future for mankind than ever before", which made Yan Gang sigh with emotion.

  In 2015, President Xi Jinping made a special trip to inspect the China-Belarus Industrial Park during his visit.

Today, as an important project on the Silk Road Economic Belt, the park has attracted 68 enterprises from 14 countries to settle in the park, with a contractual investment of more than US$1.22 billion.

  The ups and downs of the past year have given everyone a more real feeling about "the road is not alone, the world is one family".

  "Currently, globalization is developing in depth, and the interests of all countries are closely intertwined." Yan Gang said that in accordance with the requirements of President Xi, we must take root overseas and explore courageously, and strive to build the park into a pearl project on the Silk Road economic belt and a mutually beneficial and friendly cooperation. Model, work together to meet challenges and create a better future.

  The century-long journey has been magnificent, and at the beginning of the century, the heart will grow stronger with time.

  Hearing "Shanghai Shikumen" in the New Year's message, Xu Ming, the deputy curator of the Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, felt the great responsibility.

Now, next to the century-old Shikumen building, the Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China is stepping up construction.

  From Shikumen to Tiananmen, from Xingye Road to Fuxing Road, the Chinese Communist Party led the people across ditch after ditch and won one victory after another.

  At this moment, we are standing at a new historical starting point.

  "It is our honor and mission to protect the spiritual home of the Chinese Communists, tell the story of the party’s founding, and pass on the red gene. This is our honor and mission. We must take the responsibility of timelessness, the spirit of hard work, and remember the original aspiration, and inherit the history. Take the baton and gather the strength to move forward with greater courage and wisdom." Looking ahead, Xu Ming is full of confidence.

  Overcoming obstacles, we have gone through thousands of rivers and mountains; the journey is long, and we will surely create even more brilliant brilliance.

  Struggle, every great Chinese!

(Participating in writing: Hou Xuejing, Hu Zhe, Hou Wenkun, Yuan Ruting, Shui Jinchen, Luo Fei, Gu Xiaoli, Sun Fei, Guo Jingdan, Wei Zhongjie)