(Close View of China) China in Xi Jinping's New Year Message

  China News Service, Beijing, December 31st, title: China in Xi Jinping’s New Year’s Message

  Author Zhong Sanping

  The past is gone, the future will come.

When the time has finally come to people’s expectations, when we can finally say goodbye to the year harassed by the new crown pneumonia, when the foreseeable tomorrow is still uncertain, the world is watching at this moment-China will In what kind of attitude and with what mood do you start the new year of history?

  Chinese President Xi Jinping said in his New Year's message in 2012: "People from all over the world should join hands and fight through storms to dispel the haze of the epidemic as soon as possible, and strive to build a better home on the earth."

  When the warm and flowing words are slowly coming, looking back to the past, to tomorrow, this New Year's message also allows us to see China in a special year.

  -Seeing "Human China".

  "In the face of the sudden new crown pneumonia epidemic, we interpreted the love of the world with the people first and life first, and we wrote the epic of fighting the epidemic with united will and perseverance." As Xi Jinping said in his New Year's message, "Everyone is amazing! "

  Zhong Nanshan, Zhang Boli, Zhang Dingyu, Chen Wei... Looking back on this journey, their names are easily remembered.

From the initial surprise of the war epidemic to the orderly prevention and control of the epidemic, medical staff are the "warriors" who stand in between us and the virus.

They "retrograde" through the pre-dawn darkness, and finally accompany us to see the cloudless sunset. Between tears and laughter, it is the common growth of individuals and countries.

  "There are no angels in white clothes, but a group of ordinary people in white coats fighting against death", many people sighed.

Tribute to the ordinary, it is the professionalism and selflessness of every ordinary person in the medical and nursing position that made the year of China's war epidemic.

It was the professionalism and selflessness of every ordinary person in their respective positions that made China an unusual year.

  He is the builder of "Thunder Mountain" and "Vulcan Mountain", and a researcher in the research and development of new crown vaccine; an astronaut who "dared to go to the moon in nine days", and also a flood-fighter on the front line; and a "takeaway boy" who has worked hard and hard. "Brother Express" is also a volunteer who serves the community around the clock; it is every hard-working "worker", and every one of you and me who has guarded against the epidemic at home and cared about others... The Chinese character's tenacity and optimism and towards him The empathy of the readers is even more powerful in the historical moment of facing difficulties.

  This year, 1.4 billion Chinese people started from the dignity of human life and used their lives to defend human dignity.

Data map: On September 5, 2020, in Wuhan, Hubei, many tourists from all over the country came to visit the Yellow Crane Tower.

Image source: Visual China

  ——See "The China of the World".

  There is no major historical disaster that is not compensated by historical progress.

"After a year of ups and downs, we have more deeply understood the meaning of a community with a shared future for mankind than ever before." Xi Jinping said in his New Year's message.

  Disturbing the global epidemic, making the world more and more aware that no one is an island.

This year, there has been no shortage of noise and murmurs that go against the trend. The "centrifugal force" on the wheels of history has made China and the world "in different places, wind and moon in the same sky" concentric side by side more clearly.

  Fighting the epidemic side by side this year, China has publicly released multiple batches of diagnosis and treatment, prevention and control plans to the world, sent dozens of medical expert teams, and provided as many as 800 million test kits, 2 billion protective clothing, and more than 200 billion to all countries. Masks... Some foreign people said that China provides not only epidemic prevention experience and prevention and control materials, but also confidence in defeating the epidemic.

  As an important part of the global supply chain industry chain, China "will not drop the chain at critical moments"; in the recession of the world economy, China "opens up to the outside world"; until it becomes the only major economy in the world to achieve positive economic growth in 2020 China uses its own efforts to tell the world: the past will eventually pass, and victory will come.

  This year, the world is still optimistic about China.

Even in the "struggling" stage of China's epidemic prevention and control, a group of well-known CEOs of foreign companies still choose to keep their companies in China.

After 7 years of long-distance and 35 rounds of negotiations, the China-EU Investment Agreement will be completed as scheduled by the end of 2020.

This is a New Year's gift jointly sent by China and Europe to the world, and it is also another sincere expression of China to the world-"The Chinese market is the world's market, shared market, and everyone's market."

  This year, China’s side by side with the world has made "China only if the world is good; China can make the world better" and more powerful.

Data map: On March 14, 2019, aerial photography of Xingling Village, Chengjiang Town, Taihe County, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province. Small ponds, rural roads, distant mountains, farm houses and rape blossoms contrasted with each other. The beauty is so beautiful that it constitutes a beautiful village unique to the spring of Jiangnan Landscape painting.

Photo by Deng Heping

  ——See "Definite China".

  "We can't go back to the past, can we go back to the future?" "In 2021, can the world be back on track?" Questions such as this continue to see global social networks.

  The new crown pneumonia superimposed on the Great Depression, 2020 is called the "darkest moment" since the Second World War.

The endless emergence of "black swan" and "gray rhino" incidents in the international situation has a strong momentum to break into 2021.

Can the epidemic be cured?

What about the world?

Behind a series of questions are people's concerns about the uncertainty of the future.

  At this time, the "definite China" became more precious.

"Standing at the historical intersection of the'two hundred years', the new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way is about to begin." Xi Jinping said in his New Year's message that the journey is long and there is only struggle.

We have gone through thousands of waters and mountains through struggle and overcoming obstacles.

We must continue to struggle and move forward courageously.

  After building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and getting rid of the millennium poverty, China will continue to move forward on the road to achieve the next 100-year goal; the fourteenth "five-year plan" opened in 2021 is in the wisdom of "predicting" Responding to the "variables" of the epidemic, make the certainty of national development a source of national security.

  For the world, the certainty of China's behavioral model, development path, and economic prospects will still be an important force in shaping a certain future in a world full of uncertainties, injecting confidence and positive energy into the world amidst changes.

  For every Chinese who has experienced 2020, when he makes a wish in 2021, he may bring more feelings for the prosperity of the country and the world, and look forward to the peace and prosperity of his country, the country is safe and the world is safe and stable.

  Because this year has made people more aware: the destiny of the individual has never been linked to the destiny of the country as it is now; your history has never been as closely intertwined with world history as it is now.
