There will be bursts of municipal rockets against the night sky in only one of Northwest Skåne's three largest cities - Landskrona.

In Ängelholm, the crisis management committee has decided to postpone the municipality's traditional New Year's fireworks until later next year.

Chairman Robin Holmberg (M) explains on the website:

"In this situation, the municipality cannot risk contributing to the formation of crowds or encouraging people to transport themselves into the city," he says.

In Helsingborg, the tradition of the city's own fireworks disappeared years ago.

Secret place

But in Landskrona, the three-year-old tradition of inviting residents to municipal fireworks continues.

Normally the rockets are launched from the Citadel, but this year it takes place in a secret place.

- This year we do not want to contribute to crowds so we have not gone out with where we send the rockets.

We have also booked security guards who will ensure that any spectators keep a safe distance, says the municipality's developer Thorsten Karlén.

Why is it important to still have a fireworks display this year?

- It has been a difficult year for everyone and this will be a bright spot in life, says Thorsten Karlén.

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Which direction in the night sky the country cronies should look at remains a secret until midnight on New Year's Eve.

And those who live so that they do not see anything can follow the fireworks via Landskrona's Facebook page.

The entire party is broadcast live there, which incidentally costs the municipality SEK 60,000 - as much as in previous years.