A teenage boy who used a toy drone to help Ukrainian defend the capital Kiiu is called a war hero in his country, the British daily The Telegraph reports.

Andrii Pokrasa, a 15-year-old Ukrainian boy, flew a drone over a procession of Russian military vehicles advancing towards the capital Kiiu in late February, delivering coordinates and photos to their artillery units.

Ukrainian unmanned reconnaissance unit commander Yuri Kasyanov said Pokkrasa provided the decisive coordinates and was a "Ukrainian hero".

The Ukrainian Civil Defense Force is said to have asked the Russians to locate the Russian military after learning that Pokrasa, an ordinary teenage boy living on the outskirts of Kiiu, was the only one in the area who could fly a drone.

"The Civil Defense Force informed us of the approximate location of the Russian unit, and the goal was to find and deliver the exact coordinates of the Russian army based on that information," Pokrasa explained.

"It was such a terrifying experience, but I couldn't let the Russians invade our village," Pokrasa said of the situation.

The Telegraph did not specify the area where Fokrasa lived for safety reasons, but said consumer drones were used extensively to collect evidence of war crimes and troop movements.

(Photo = Global News, Yonhap News)