Derichebourg 07:00, June 08, 2022

SPONSORED ARTICLE - As a partner in the "environment" category of the Trophées de l'Avenir Europe 1, Derichebourg Environnement claims a strong commitment to the planet.

This notably involves the recycling of copper.

This article is sponsored by Derichebourg

Derichebourg Environnement shares with Europe 1 a desire to honor the citizens and companies who make things happen.

To move towards a greener and more responsible future, the one that positions itself as one of the world leaders in metal recycling, innovates with its copper recycling techniques.

An initiative supported by France Relance.

The challenges of recycling

Global growth has made natural resources scarcer, so it is essential to find solutions that can still meet demand.

This is one of the reasons why recycling is in the news;

and recent geopolitical tensions only reinforce this issue.

The France Relance plan supports initiatives moving in the direction of the circular economy, beyond the traditional linear scheme "produce - consume - throw away".

The ambition is to aim for a more sober economy that is more respectful of the planet;

but also to ensure the strategic independence of France in international relations.

France Relance thus supports the initiative of Derichebourg Environnement around the recycling of copper, an essential raw material for the energy transition and electric mobility.

Recycle copper: how?

We must be able to put quality recycled raw materials back on the market.

Objectives: preserve natural resources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and overall energy consumption.

Derichebourg Environnement has developed technologies for this purpose to recycle copper.

The idea is that cables from end-of-life vehicles, the demolition of buildings or end-of-life equipment be recovered to the maximum.

The cables are thus crushed to separate the copper from the plastic.

The copper fractions are then sorted and analyzed in order to be recycled for industry in the form of shot.

A first electric cable recycling facility was opened in 2020 in Saint Marcel, in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region.

In 2022, it's the turn of Escautpont in Hauts-de-France.

This project is also the winner of the "(Re)localizations" call for projects of the France Relance plan.

Concrete benefits

Each year, Derichebourg Environnement recycles 3.7 million tonnes of metals.

Thanks to its research and development policy, the electric cable recycling facilities have already made it possible to process 20,000 tonnes of material per site and per year.

On each site, 14 jobs have been created.

Producing a tonne of copper from recycled copper saves 65% CO2 compared to producing a tonne of copper from ore, and since non-ferrous metals are infinitely recyclable… that's good news for the industry and for the planet.

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