Giorgia Meloni, leader of the post-fascist party Fratelli d'Italia, winner of the last legislative elections, was tasked on Friday 21 October with forming a government by President Sergio Mattarella, announced the secretary general of the presidency.

Aged 45, she accepted this responsibility, becoming the first woman called to this function in the history of the country. 

Giancarlo Giorgetti, 55, was appointed economy minister on Friday.

He is considered a powerful, but discreet figure in Matteo Salvini's (extreme right) League, of which he is considered one of the most moderate and pro-European representatives.

An arduous task

At a time when the third largest economy in the euro zone is facing, like its neighbours, a difficult economic situation due to the energy crisis and inflation, its task promises to be difficult, especially since it will have to ensure the unity of his coalition which is already showing cracks.

Matteo Salvini and Sivio Berlusconi are reluctant to accept the authority of Giorgia Meloni, whose party won 26% of the vote in the September 25 elections, against only 8% for Forza Italia and 9% for the League. 

The media have echoed the multiple passes of arms between the three leaders on the distribution of positions in Parliament and within the future government.

Herself an Atlanticist and favorable to support for Ukraine against Russia, Georgia Meloni had to face this week the controversial remarks of Mr. Berlusconi, who claimed to have "reconnected" with Vladimir Putin and imputed to kyiv the responsibility for the war.

Statements of the worst effect while the coming to power of this predominantly Eurosceptic coalition is closely followed by the chancelleries.

Georgia Meloni felt compelled to correct the situation on Wednesday by saying that Italy is "fully part and with its head held high" of Europe and NATO.

>> To read also: How Giorgia Meloni conquered the Italian right … and the country

With AFP

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