"In general, any data the British side refused to provide to Russia. It's not that the additional (data.- RT ), it's about the fact that as soon as the first swallows flew in the spring from the London nest around the world with the accusations of Russia, we immediately started sending notes, letters, requests. But after another volley - already with photos that were issued for proofs - I can not understand in any way: how are the photos published proof? And the proof of what? "- she said.

According to her, the Russian side will wait for data on the suspects from the Interpol incident in Salisbury.

"This follows from the logic of what the UK is doing. Apparently, the next step is an appeal to Interpol. Then, apparently, if they do not provide official data to Russia, we will wait for their treatment in Interpol and wait from Interpol to wait for the same fingerprints, data and so on, "the diplomat added.

Earlier, Zakharova called the publication of photos of suspects in the case of poisoning in Salisbury an example of disinformation.

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