"The police and the Royal Public Prosecutor's Service identified these two people as the main suspects, they are officers of Russian military intelligence, the GRU, who used an illegal chemical substance on the territory of our country," RIA Novosti quoted her words.

She noted that such a position has support among the international allies of Great Britain.

"We have repeatedly asked Russia to explain what happened in Salisbury in March, but the reaction was reduced to entanglement of the issue and lies," she added.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the suspects in the case of poisoning Sergei and Yulia Skripal are known to Russia.

According to the head of state, they are civilians.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said that the British side refused to provide any information about the "suspects" for the incident in Salisbury.

At the same time, the Russian embassy noted that they did not receive additional inquiries or materials from London after the announcement of the names of the suspects.

More in RT material.