"The Russian Foreign Ministry demanded from the British ambassador in Moscow to provide fingerprints of two men whom they called suspects in London's Salisbury case and linked with Russia. The fact is that the imprints should have been taken from those traveling to the UK to obtain a British visa, if it is a matter of Russian citizens, "Zakharova's commentary, which was placed at RT's disposal, said.

As she noted, the British ambassador stated that London will not provide these data to Moscow.

In addition, London refused to provide other data - passport numbers, patronymics and personal data.

According to Zakharova, Moscow assumes that these data will be transferred through the Interpol line.

Earlier in London, the names of suspects in the case of poisoning in Salisbury - Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov were named. Moscow repeatedly called on London to cooperate in the investigation of the incident.