"The situation is quite complicated. The fact that the parties have found a common point agreed on such a complex issue as Idlib, difficult for everyone, it's very good. An armistice and a call to militants to lay down their arms are important. Perhaps this will even reduce the likelihood of provocations with chemical weapons, which could be followed by a blow from the United States and its allies. Such meetings should be held more often, because we see that even with certain different positions, the solution is still there, "the expert said.

According to Asafov, it is difficult to overestimate the significance of the meeting.

"An important part of these negotiations was the humanitarian situation, because only countries that were represented at the summit are helping Syria actively. France is also trying to enter the process. To overestimate the significance of this summit is difficult, let's see how the events will develop further. But it's very good that such a balanced decision was found, "he summed up.

Earlier, Russian leader Vladimir Putin, along with Turkish and Iranian presidents Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Hasan Ruhani, began work in the framework of the Syrian summit.