US President Donald Trump has warned Russia and Iran to intervene in the event of a battle over the Syrian rebel stronghold of Idlib. "The Russians and Iranians would make a grave humanitarian mistake if they participated in this possible human tragedy," Trump tweeted on Monday.

The Syrian ruler Bashar al-Assad should not attack the Idlib province rashly. "Hundreds of thousands of people could be killed, do not let that happen!" Trump continued. As a result of the nearly three million civilians in the region, aid organizations are also warning of a new humanitarian catastrophe.

President Bashar al-Assad of Syria must not recklessly attack Idlib Province. The Russians and Iranians would be making a grave humanitarian mistake to take part in this potential human tragedy. Hundreds of thousands of people could be killed. Do not let that happen!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 3, 2018

The region around the city Idlib in northwestern Syria is the last large area of ​​the civil war country that is still ruled by rebels. These are dominated by the al-Qaida branch Haiat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the former Al-Nusra Front. According to the United Nations, 2.9 million people live in Idlib. Among them are about 1.4 million internally displaced persons who fled the Assad regime.

The Syrian regime has gathered troops in the region and threatens to attack. Iran had already announced that it would support the Syrian leadership in the expected offensive on the rebel stronghold. The Foreign Minister reaffirmed in Damascus on Monday that the region must be "cleansed of terrorists". Russia's foreign minister had described the northern Syrian province as a "festering ulcer" that needed to be liquidated.

On Friday, Russia and Iran want to advise as supporters of the regime and Turkey as the protector of the opposition on the crisis in Syria. Observers expect that there could decide the fate of Idlib.

more on the subject

The war of nerves around IdlibAssad prepares for the storm on the last rebel province

Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas had also warned against a humanitarian catastrophe on Monday when it came to a battle for Idlib. He announced that he would address the issue on his inaugural visit to Turkey on Wednesday and Thursday. "We will do our utmost to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe in Idlib."