"In this case, we see a diplomatic step when Merkel is forced to recognize the importance of Russia's activities in Syria, and at the same time the common Western position remains on the unwillingness to restore the power of the legitimate government, which President Bashar Assad now personifies," the expert said.

According to him, Germany is interested in settling the conflict in Syria because of the migration issue, but does not take any active measures for this.

"The migration crisis is very important. Germany took the main blow at itself precisely because of the position of Merkel, which was extremely liberal. She is called to account by politicians and the population of Germany, therefore she is forced to show that she is concerned about the settlement in Syria. In this case, the flow of refugees will be reduced, and some, perhaps, will be able to return to their homeland. But to solve this problem, it is necessary to actively participate in this. Germany is part of the American coalition that is fighting against individual radical terrorists, but does not show much desire to participate in the political settlement because Damascus will completely regain power over Syria ... In this case, the interests of Russia, the Syrian people and the West the coalitions with the participation of Germany quite seriously diverge, "he said.

The political scientist also added that Germany's diplomatic approach to the settlement of the situation in Syria does not contribute to stabilization in the country.

"Germany associates with American activities, including military, but does not directly participate, more on the level of declarations, diplomatic relations. This approach, from our point of view, is not constructive, it does not contribute to stabilization in the country, but merely shifts the focus to other problems. But we need to restore the constitutional order, "he concluded.

Earlier it was reported that Angela Merkel for the first time spoke in support of Russia's actions in Syria. This is written by Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten.