"We are moving forward with a single unshakable transatlantic front," Poroshenko wrote in his Twitter.

Вітаю новину з Bruxelles про ложічне рішення полів ЄС продовжити на півроку індивідуальні санкції проти more ... 150 осіб та близько 50 компаній за агресію проти України.

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- Petro Poroshenko (@poroshenko) September 5, 2018

The President of Ukraine noted that he considers it logical that the EU will extend individual sanctions against Russia against more than 150 people and about 50 companies "for aggression towards Ukraine" for half a year.

Earlier, the source said that the preparatory body of the Council of EU during the meeting on September 5 approved the decision to extend individual sanctions against Russia, which was previously agreed at a technical level.