Teller Report

Italy: Which government to support Giorgia Meloni, the new Prime Minister?

10/22/2022, 4:11:26 AM

A few weeks after the victory of her "Fratelli d'Italia" party, Giorgia Meloni officially becomes the first woman to lead the Italian Council of Ministers. Accompanied by her 24 ministers, the leader of the far-right party will swear before President Sergio Mattarela to be loyal to the Italian Republic.

Antonino Galofaro, edited by Yanis Darras 06:02, October 22, 2022

A few weeks after the victory of her "Fratelli d'Italia" party, Giorgia Meloni officially becomes the first woman to lead the Italian Council of Ministers.

Accompanied by her 24 ministers, the leader of the far-right party will swear before President Sergio Mattarela to be loyal to the Italian Republic.

It's official: Giorgia Meloni becomes the first woman to serve as Prime Minister of Italy.

The leader of "Fratelli d'Italia" presented her government on Friday evening, the most right-wing since the end of the Second World War.

This Saturday, at 10 a.m., Giorgia Meloni and his 24 ministers will swear before President Sergio Mattarella to be faithful to the Republic, to the Constitution and to the laws. 

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Mario Draghi, Italian Prime Minister for a few more hours, will then give way to the leader of "Fratelli d'Italia" as President of the Council of Ministers.

Immediately, the new Prime Minister, surrounded by her team, will hold her first meeting.

Around the table, a team of faithful, also chosen to reassure the partners of Italy.

We thus find in the Ministry of Economy and Finance, crucial for Italy, Giancarlo Giorgetti, a moderate member of the League and already Minister of Economic Development under Mario Draghi. 

Confidence of Parliament

And it is the former President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, of "Forza Italia", the party of Silvio Berlusconi, who will take care of Foreign Affairs.

The latter also becomes Deputy Prime Minister, just like the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, because without their formations, Giorgia Meloni would not have a majority in Parliament.

Last step for the new Prime Minister, to obtain the confidence of the two chambers of the Italian Parliament.

If this is not the case, then the government proposed by Giorgia Meloni will not take office. 

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