Teller Report

Zhang Zhijun Delivers 2021 New Year Message

1/1/2021, 2:28:56 AM, Beijing, January 1st. As the New Year 2021 is approaching, Zhang Zhijun, president of the Cross-Strait Relations Association, published a new year's message entitled "Strive for a Thousand Miles" in the first issue of "Cross-Strait Relations" in 2021. On behalf of the Association for Relations Across the Straits, extend holiday greetings and New Year greetings to Taiwan compatriot, Beijing, January 1st. As the New Year 2021 is approaching, Zhang Zhijun, president of the Cross-Strait Relations Association, published a new year's message entitled "Strive for a Thousand Miles" in the first issue of "Cross-Strait Relations" in 2021. On behalf of the Association for Relations Across the Straits, extend holiday greetings and New Year greetings to Taiwan compatriots.

  The following is the full text of the congratulatory message:

Striving for a long time can be expected

——New Year's Message for 2021

Zhang Zhijun

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As the New Year approaches, on behalf of the Association for Cross-Strait Relations, I would like to extend my sincere greetings and holiday blessings to the Taiwan compatriots and all friends who care about cross-strait relations.

  2020 is a very unusual year in the history of the development of the Republic.

In the face of the sudden new crown pneumonia epidemic and the severe impact of the world economic recession, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core united and led the entire party and the people of all ethnic groups across the country to overcome obstacles and forge ahead, and coordinate the advancement of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. Major strategic results in the fight against the epidemic, decisive victory and decisive achievement in building a well-off society in an all-round way.

The mainland of the motherland has a harmonious government and people, the economy has taken the lead in realizing restorative growth, showing strong development resilience, comprehensive national strength has jumped to a new level, people's lives have been strongly guaranteed, poverty alleviation has achieved remarkable results, scientific research achievements have been frequent, and socialist system governance with Chinese characteristics The advantages are increasingly evident.

  2020 is also a very unusual year in the history of cross-strait relations.

The situation across the Taiwan Strait is grim and complicated, and the deadlock between the two sides of the strait is difficult to resolve.

Guided by the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the 40th Anniversary Commemoration of the Publication of the Letter to Compatriots in Taiwan, the mainland of the motherland firmly grasps the overall situation and adopts decisive and effective measures to resolutely defend the one-China principle and the "92 Consensus". Oppose and contain "Taiwan independence" separatist activities and foreign interference, extensively unite Taiwan compatriots to jointly promote cross-strait exchanges and cooperation, deepen cross-strait integration and development, and maintain peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.

After the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia, compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait have watched and helped each other to fight the epidemic.

The majority of Taiwan compatriots and enterprises in Taiwan donated money, materials and love; governments at all levels in the mainland and the general public are concerned about protecting the health and safety of Taiwan compatriots in the mainland, actively assisting the repatriation of Taiwan compatriots in Hubei, and introducing measures to help Taiwan enterprises resume work and production.

In the first 11 months of 2020, cross-strait trade volume bucked the trend and increased by 13.8% year-on-year.

Compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait have also overcome difficulties and maintained the momentum of exchanges in various ways, including online and offline.

This spirit of helping each other in the same boat and overcoming difficulties together is a vivid interpretation of the blood of the compatriots on both sides of the strait, which is thicker than the blood of flesh and blood. It fully shows that the integration and development of the two sides of the strait is the general trend and cannot be blocked by any forces or difficulties.

  This year, we ushered in the 75th anniversary of Taiwan’s recovery. Through reminiscing the glorious history of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait of sharing the same hatred and humiliation, jointly resisting foreign humiliation, and achieving great victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan, we felt the sincere and deep patriotism of the Taiwan compatriots; this year, we commemorated this year. On the 15th anniversary of the enactment of the Anti-Secession Law, by reviewing this important law that provides a solid legal guarantee for maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and promoting the development of cross-strait relations, it demonstrated a strong will to firmly defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity; this year, We also commemorated the 5th anniversary of the historic meeting between the leaders of the two sides of the Strait. By reviewing this important milestone in the history of cross-strait relations, we demonstrated the historical height and level of peaceful development of cross-strait relations based on the "1992 Consensus."

Facing the present and reminiscent of the past, learning the past and knowing the coming.

We deeply understand that the Taiwan issue is caused by the weak and chaotic nation, and will definitely end with the national rejuvenation.

A strong country, national rejuvenation, and cross-strait reunification are historical trends that cannot be stopped by anyone or any force.

  2020 is also a year for the ARATS to serve the overall situation and uphold integrity.

Under the guidance of the central government’s policies on National Taiwan University and under the guidance of the Central Taiwan Affairs Office and the State Council’s Taiwan Affairs Office, the ARATS adheres to the purpose of establishing the association, based on its functional positioning, and makes active efforts in coordinating the overall work situation, promoting exchanges and cooperation, and safeguarding the rights of compatriots.

We earnestly study, publicize and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on work with Taiwan, firmly uphold the one-China principle and the "1992 Consensus", and strive to increase Taiwan compatriots’ understanding and recognition of mainland principles and policies; we implement the people-centered development philosophy , Properly handle all kinds of Taiwan-related emergencies and emergency relief matters, and do our best to help the compatriots on both sides of the strait to solve problems, help the dangers and difficulties; we uphold the concept of cross-strait family relations, extensively visit Taiwanese enterprises, visit Taiwanese compatriots, preach policies and measures, listen to opinions and suggestions, and be timely Reflect to relevant departments: We have overcome the adverse effects of the epidemic and human interference on the island, maintained contact with all walks of life in Taiwan, carried out various forms of interactive communication, and played an active role in maintaining the momentum of cross-strait exchanges and cooperation.

  In October 2020, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China reviewed and approved the "Proposals of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Formulating the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the 2035 Long-term Goals", based on the "Two Centenary" At the intersection of the goals, it drew a magnificent blueprint for the development of the mainland in the next 5 or 15 years, and made a top-level design for China to embark on a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country.

The "Proposal" lists "promoting the peaceful development of cross-strait relations and the reunification of the motherland" as an important part of the "14th Five-Year Plan" and the long-term goals of 2035, and clarifies the goals, principles, paths, tasks, and bottom lines of Taiwan work And its strategic position in the overall work of the party and the country, expounds our policy propositions to enhance the well-being of compatriots on both sides of the strait, and promote the peaceful development and integration of cross-strait relations.

With the implementation of various strategic plans and major measures, higher-quality development, higher standards of life, and higher-efficiency governance in the mainland of the motherland will give a strong boost to cross-strait economic cooperation and share opportunities for Taiwanese companies and Taiwanese companies. And to achieve greater development to provide a major niche, to lay a more solid foundation and provide stronger support for the promotion of national rejuvenation and the reunification of the motherland.

  The Chinese nation has made great achievements in the past century, and it has been prosperous and prosperous for a century.

2021 is an important year for the "14th Five-Year Plan" to get off the ground and take advantage of the momentum to advance towards the second centenary goal.

The great achievements in the development and progress of the motherland will continue to be transformed into opportunities and stages for more Taiwan compatriots to participate in integrated development and realize their dreams in life.

Only when cross-strait relations are good, will Taiwan compatriots be good, and Taiwan will have a future.

Although the current cross-strait relations still face complex and severe challenges, we have the sincerity to promote the peaceful and integrated development of cross-strait relations, and we also have a strong will to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

We firmly believe that the noise will only make a noise and cannot change the melody of the era of national rejuvenation; the countercurrent can only be a tumultuous moment, and cannot reverse the historical trend of cross-strait reunification.

I hope that Taiwan compatriots will uphold the national justice, follow the trend of historical development, and join hands with the mainland compatriots to jointly promote cross-strait relations to see the sun and the bright future, and jointly support the reunification of China's Jin Ou and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!


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