Teller Report

No new cases of new coronary pneumonia confirmed in Xinjiang (including the Corps)

3/9/2020, 2:05:03 AM

China News Service, March 9th. According to the Xinjiang Health and Medical Commission website, at 04:00 on March 8, 2020, Xinjiang (including the Corps) reported 0 new confirmed cases of new coronavirus pneumonia and 0 new deaths. , 1 new case was cured and discharged. among them:

Among the newly added cured cases, one was from the 9th Division of the Corps.

As of 20:00 on March 8th, Xinjiang (including the Corps) had reported 76 confirmed cases of new coronavirus pneumonia (52 in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and 24 in Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps), 3 dead cases, and 73 cured cases. ,among them:

Among the confirmed cases, 23 were in Urumqi, 18 in Ili, 4 in Changji, 3 in Turfan, 3 in Bazhou, 1 in Aksu, 10 in the 4th Division of the Corps, 2 in the 6th Division of the Corps, and No. 1 in the Corps. 1 case of the 7th Division, 4 cases of the 8th Division of the Corps, 4 cases of the 9th Division of the Corps, and 3 cases of the 12th Division of the Corps;

Among the deaths, there was 1 case of the 4th Division of the Corps, 1 case of the 8th Division of the Corps, and 1 case of the 9th Division of the Corps;

Among the cured and discharged patients, 23 were in Urumqi, 18 in Ili, 4 in Changji, 3 in Turfan, 3 in Bazhou, 1 in Aksu, 9 in the Fourth Division, 2 in the 6th Division, and the Corps. There were 1 case of the 7th Division, 3 cases of the 8th Division of the Corps, 3 cases of the 9th Division of the Corps, and 3 cases of the 12th Division of the Corps.

As of 20:00 on March 8, there were 0 confirmed cases in Xinjiang (including the Corps) (0 in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and 0 in Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps).

There are currently 857 people under medical observation.

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