Teller Report

Venezuelan Vice-President spoke about the "export of violence" the United States

3/2/2019, 3:13:49 PM

Venezuela Executive Vice President Delsi Rodriguez called the US policy on the country "export of violence", and also noted that the American "false assistance" helps Washington overthrow governments in other countries.

“Historically it is known that the United States is resorting to fake financial assistance to overthrow the governments of other countries. This bogus financial aid came close to Venezuela. They do not want to help either economically or financially, they do not want to help with food, medicines or commercially. On February 23, the whole world saw that they had brought instruments of violence, not help, to Venezuela, ”she said in a conversation with RT.

According to the politician, “this is nothing new,” and the United States continues to “export violence to countries.”

“But their plan will not work in Venezuela. We decided to protect our country, ”Rodriguez added.

Earlier, Rodriguez called the situation with the delivery of US humanitarian aid to the Bolivarian Republic as a farce of the century.

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