“I will answer you as a citizen of Venezuela. And I can say that I am ashamed of him. This man not only makes himself a mockery of his country, but now also arranges a circus internationally. He simply proclaimed himself president of Venezuela in the town square. And now he is showing the same behavior (which seems to be quite extravagant for Venezuela) in other countries, let's say, in particular countries whose government is subordinate to the United States, ”she said.

According to Rodriguez, Guaido "arranged a real farce in front of the world community."

“A politician, a man who calls himself a politician and who seeks support from Marco Rubio, Bolton, Mike Pens or Trump, thereby threatens the president of the republic, they threaten him with reprisals if the government bodies of Venezuela take any action,” the president.

Earlier, the deputy judge of the constitutional chamber of the Supreme Court of Venezuela, Juan Carlos Valdez, said that the Guaido could face about 30 years in prison.

The President of the Bolivarian Republic, Nicolas Maduro, stated that Guaido must be brought to justice because he left the country, despite the prohibition of the Supreme Court of the Republic.

On February 23, Guaido left Venezuela for Colombia, where two days later he took part in a meeting of the “Lima Group”.