Here you will find the most important news of the day at a glance, the most popular stories of SPIEGEL + and tips for your end of workday.


The Saxon swamp

How common is right thought in Saxony? Many ask themselves this question after the riots in Chemnitz. There appeared two days ago in social networks, the alleged arrest warrant against one of the two alleged perpetrators, who should have killed at the Chemnitz City Festival Daniel H. with stab wounds.

Now the source seems determined: A Dresden prison officer has apparently photographed and published the document. He was suspended with immediate effect.

However, this question also arose with regard to the demonstrator who had previously become known as the "Hutbürger", who mobbed journalists in Dresden - and is an employee of the Saxon LKA. Respectively was. As it became known today, the man will no longer work for the police.

My colleague Janko Tietz was born in Saxony and is convinced after the riots in recent days in Chemnitz: Silence and ignore the problem bring the Free State no further. Politicians must recognize that large parts of the population have brown ideas. To the podcast "Voices catch".

Do Saxon children learn sufficient democracy in their schools? Two teachers report. "Some colleagues," says one, "sympathize even with right-thinking, which becomes quite clear in some conversations." Go to Article.


Policemen, demonstrators in Chemnitz (27th of August)

Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) will face the discussion with citizens in Chemnitz this evening. The radical right-wing group "Pro Chemnitz" called for a demonstration. The police rely on the support of the Federal Police and other federal states.

All current events can be found throughout the evening on SPIEGEL ONLINE.

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What you need to know today

  • SPD General Secretary Lars Klingbeil has called on Thilo Sarrazin to resign from the party . Sarrazin today presented his new controversial book. He said he did not want to leave the party.
  • Refugee women in Germany are less integrated than male refugees . This is shown by a recent OECD study. The numbers, the facts.
  • According to the German Weather Service, 2018 was the second hot summer since 1881. This weekend it ends with cool temperatures.



And now a good news from Saxony: There, an instrument collector has discovered a 72-year-old love letter - in a banjo. What is in it.


Love letter from the instrument


Most talked about comments, interviews, essays

When did we get so squeamish? In the past, journalists had to whistle bullets around their heads to be considered heroes. Today, finds columnist Jan Fleischhauer, rich a visit to the German East.

Harald Schmidt wonders: Can you make such jokes in times of #MeToo? Announcement from the captain: We are about to crash. What happens then - here is the video.



The most read texts at SPIEGEL +

Why shepherd Sombra now gets personal protection : Hardly a Colombian police dog has such a fine nose as Sombra - to the annoyance of the drug mafia. From Claas Relotius.

AFP / Getty Images


"You do not want us here": Should rejected asylum seekers stay in Germany and work when they find a job? Here four Africans tell why they do not want to return.


The recommendation for your closing time

What you could read: "The Cat and the General" by Nino Haratischwili. A novel about the Chechen war. How to help her diaper changes and noodle cooking when she writes about cruel war crimes - here's the interview with the author.

What you might hear: Sophie Hunger's new album "Molecules". "Elf invigoratingly lively, lustfully between all chairs gergerierende songs without a gram of fat," writes my colleague Peter Henning.

Marik Lahana

Sophie hungry

I wish you a nice finishing time.


Maria Stöhr from the Daily Team

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