Meloni, the leader of the right-wing "Italian Brotherhood" party, which won the first party in the Italian parliamentary election last month, was appointed as the new prime minister.

The focus will be on how to build a relationship with the EU (European Union) by adjusting the differences in the attitudes of the parties within the coalition government toward Russia.

Meloni, leader of the "Italian Brotherhood" party, which became the first party in last month's Italian parliamentary election, took office as Italy's first female prime minister after an oath ceremony at the presidential palace in Rome, the capital, on the 22nd.

Her newly inaugurated Meloni government is a coalition between the League, led by former Interior Minister Salvini, and former Prime Minister Berlusconi's Forza Italia.

Salvini has criticized EU sanctions against Russia over the invasion of Ukraine, and Berlusconi is known for his personal ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In response, Mr. Meloni emphasized his stance of emphasizing cooperation with the EU and NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). There is also a view that it is a manifestation of an attitude that emphasizes relationships.

For this reason, the focus will be on how the Meloni administration will build a relationship with the EU by reconciling the different attitudes of the parties within the coalition government toward Russia.