The body of the late Queen Elizabeth II makes its final journey at a state funeral from Westminster Abbey, then moves to Windsor Castle, where a more private ceremony will be held, before the Queen is buried in a special rite.

The following is the course of the events of these ceremonies in GMT (+3 Mecca time), as reported by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC):

5:30 (8:30 Mecca time)

The farewell glimpse of the Queen's coffin at Westminster Hall in the heart of London will end early in the morning.

Thousands were lining up to bid farewell to the Queen.

7:00 (10:00 Mecca time)

A short distance away, at Westminster Abbey, doors will open for guests who will arrive before the 10:00 prayer service begins.

The funeral will be attended by presidents and leaders from all over the world who will join the royal family in honor of the Queen, and senior British politicians and former prime ministers will participate in the funeral.

Members of royal families from all over Europe are expected, many of whom are related to Queen Elizabeth, and the funeral will be attended by King Philip of Belgium, Queen Mathilde, King Philip of Spain and Queen Letizia.

The State Funeral Of Queen Elizabeth II (Getty)

9:44 (12:44 Mecca time)

Today's ceremonies will begin in earnest, with the Queen's coffin being raised and taken to Westminster Abbey for the funeral service.

The Queen's body will be carried on a Royal Navy cannon cart, manned by 142 sailors.

The carriage was last seen in 1979 at the funeral of Prince Philip's uncle, Lord Mountbatten, and was used at the funeral of the Queen's father, George VI, in 1952.

The Queen's coffin is carried on a cannon cart, and senior members of the royal family, including the new king and his two sons Prince William and Prince Harry, walk behind the cannon cart in the procession.

Funeral itinerary in London

The Scottish and Irish Regiment's bagpipes and drums will play, along with members of the Royal Air Force and Gorkha units.

Funeral troop costumes

The Royal Navy and Royal Marines will line up along the road, and the Guard of Honor representing the three military services will stand in Parliament Square with a squad of Royal Marines.

Queen Elizabeth II's lying-in-state in London, Westminster Hall

10:00 (13:00 Mecca time)

The Queen's funeral service, which is expected to be attended by two thousand guests, will begin at Westminster Abbey.

It will be a state funeral, as with funerals for kings or queens, and follow strict rules of protocol, such as the military parade, Westminster Abbey, where funeral services are held, and the historic church where Britain's kings and queens are crowned, including the coronation of the Queen in 1953. The church also witnessed the marriage ceremony of Princess Elizabeth at the time to Prince Philip in 1947.

Westminster Abbey has not seen a king's funeral at the Abbey since the 18th century, although the Queen Mother's funeral was held there in 2002.

The Mass will be presided over by Westminster Abbey David Hoyle, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, and Prime Minister Liz Terrace will read a homily.

10:55 (13:55 Mecca time)

At the end of the funeral, the trumpet sounds, followed by two minutes of nationwide silence.

The national anthem and funeral music will be played at the end of the funeral service at about midday.

11:15 (14:15 Mecca time)

After service, the Queen's coffin will be carried in procession on foot from Westminster Abbey to Wellington Arch, at Hyde Park Corner in London.

With the army and police lined up on the road, Big Ben chimes one minute apart, the procession moves slowly through the streets of the capital, and artillery salutes also fire every minute from Hyde Park.

People can watch the procession in person from designated viewing areas along the route.

The parade, led by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, will consist of 7 groups, each with its own squad.

Members of the armed forces from Britain, the Commonwealth and the police will participate, as will some workers in Britain's government medical services.

Once again, the King will lead the members of the royal family behind the cannon cart carrying the Queen's coffin.

Camilla, Queen Consort and Princess of Wales, Countess of Wessex and Duchess of Sussex will join the motorcade.

The funeral procession is expected to arrive on foot to the long walkway at Windsor Castle, where police and members of the armed forces will line up over a 3-mile span.

Members of the public will be allowed to access the long walkway to watch the procession pass.

Funeral path at Windsor Castle

The King and other senior members of the royal family are expected to join the procession at Windsor Castle shortly afterwards.

The castle towers' bells would ring every minute, and artillery fire would be fired from the castle grounds.

As soon as the casket reaches the Wellington Arch, at about one o'clock in the afternoon, it will begin its final journey to Windsor Castle.

The castle, which has consistently been one of the residences of 40 kings for nearly a thousand years, has been of special importance to the queen throughout her life.

As a teenager she was sent to the castle in the war years when London faced the threat of bombing, and she made it her permanent home during the coronavirus pandemic.

15:00 (18:00 Mecca time)

This is followed by the entry of the coffin into St. George's Chapel, where the burial will take place.

St George's Chapel is the church that the royal family regularly chooses for weddings, christenings and funerals, and there the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry and Meghan, married in 2018, and the funeral of the Queen's late husband Prince Philip was held.

The funeral mass will be held in the presence of a smaller number of guests, about 800 people.

The homily will be delivered by the Reverend of Windsor, David Conner, with the blessing of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby.

The mass includes traditional ceremonies symbolizing the end of the Queen's reign.

The official in charge of the royal jewels will remove the crown, royal ball and sceptre from the top of the coffin, separating the queen from her crown for the last time.

At the end of the final chant, the King will place the flag of the Guards of Grenadier on the coffin.

The Grenadier guards are the largest of the infantry guards who perform ceremonial duties for the King.

The queen's body will then be lowered into the royal vault, and the royal bagpiper will play a funeral solo.

15:45 (18:45 Mecca time)

This concludes the burial ceremony, and the king and members of the royal family will leave the church.

18:30 (21:30 Mecca time)

That evening, at a private family service, the Queen will be buried with her late husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, at King George VI's Memorial Chapel, located within St George's Chapel.