The ceremony begins this morning with the presence of heads of state and government and huge crowds in the streets

Complete preparations for Queen Elizabeth's funeral, and Charles prepares to receive world leaders

King Charles III standing in front of his late mother's coffin.


King Charles III receives dozens of world leaders, who will participate in the official funeral ceremonies for Queen Elizabeth II, including US President Joe Biden, while London police completed preparations for the funeral, which it described as the largest security operation ever undertaken, as heads of state, government and family members will meet. The British royal, in addition to huge crowds in the streets, and the official funeral service for Queen Elizabeth begins today, at 10 am GMT.

And inside the hall where the late Queen's coffin was located yesterday, some mourners cried, while some current soldiers and veterans saluted their former commander.

The "queue" has become a witness to friendliness and the formation of new friends in light of the hassle of waiting for hours, and sometimes in cold weather during the night.

Crowds began gathering in the vicinity of Westminster Abbey, where the Queen's state funeral will be held, and the period allotted for mourners wishing to bid farewell to the Queen, her coffin wrapped in the British flag and lying in Westminster Hall in Parliament, ends at 5:30 GMT this morning.

After the funeral, Queen Elizabeth II's coffin will be taken to St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle in west London, where she will be buried in a family ceremony, along with her father, King George VI, her mother and her husband, Philip.

The state funeral, which will be attended by nearly 100 heads of state and government, is likely to be one of the largest ever held in Britain.

Soldiers took part in an early morning exercise in Windsor yesterday, where the Queen's coffin will be carried after the funeral at Westminster Abbey.

Bands playing music and the Grenadier Guards, whose members wear long hats during the ceremony, were seen rehearsing for the funeral.

Those wishing to bid farewell to the Queen formed long lines on the banks of the River Thames, with waiting times exceeding 13 hours.

King Charles visited the police headquarters to thank the emergency services staff involved in the planning, and the king and his heir, Prince William, surprised the long waiting crowds by approaching them and shaking hands with some who had been waiting for hours to see the last look at the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II before the burial.

For 20 minutes, King Charles III, accompanied by Prince William, approached the thronging crowd without stopping, shaking hands with some and exchanging a few words with others, as he did repeatedly during his tour of the four counties of the United Kingdom, England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.

The British government said that the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth will be shown today in 125 cinemas across Britain, and entry to it will be free, and it will be shown on huge screens in parks, squares and cathedrals.

She indicated that the funeral and related processions across London will be shown live on television by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), "ITV" and "Sky".

The government declared the funeral day an official holiday.

The funeral could see a larger audience than seen on other major occasions in modern British history, including Princess Diana's funeral in 1997, the 2012 London Olympics and royal weddings.

• Queen Elizabeth will be buried next to her father, mother and husband Philip.

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