The president of the Russian oil company



Ravil Maganov

, died this Thursday after falling out of a window of

the Moscow Central Clinical Hospital

where he was admitted, the Russian agencies Interfax and TASS report.

"Maganov fell out of his room window at the Central Clinical Hospital this morning. He died of his injuries," an anonymous source told Interfax.

The TASS agency points out, citing sources from law enforcement, that the event occurred at 07:00 Moscow time (06:00 Spanish peninsular time) and that it is

"a death by suicide"



, 67, was admitted to hospital for a heart attack and was taking antidepressants, according to the same source. The president of


had worked in executive positions at the oil company since 1993.

He was the first executive vice president and oversaw exploration and production.

In 2020 Lukoil

's board of directors



as chairman in place of

Valeri Greifer

, who passed away in April of that year.

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  • Russia