In Algeria, Emmanuel Macron announces a commission of historians from both countries on memory

French President Emmanuel Macron and his Algerian counterpart Abdelmajid Tebboune on August 25, 2022 in Algiers.

AP - Anis Belghoul

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Five years after his first visit, Emmanuel Macron is in Algeria for three days, on the occasion of the first trip abroad of his second term.

The French president was welcomed this Thursday, August 25, when he got off the plane by his counterpart, Abdelmadjid Tebboune.

After a joint visit to the monument of the Martyr, a high place of Algerian memory of the war of independence, the two had a one-on-one interview, before speaking jointly to the press.

Emmanuel Macron notably announced the creation of a commission of French and Algerian historians on colonization and war.


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Emmanuel Macron and Abdelmadjid Tebboune did not leave each other after their handshake, when the first arrived at Algiers-Houari-Boumédiène airport.

Both reviewed the troops before the national anthems.

The two presidents had their first exchange in an airport lounge, surrounded by their main ministers.

Emmanuel Macron then went to the Martyr's Memorial, a must for official visits to Algeria, before joining Abdelmadjid Tebboune at the presidential palace of El Mouradia, on the heights of Algiers.

The two heads of state had their first face-to-face meeting.

To close this

first day of Emmanuel Macron in Algeria

, a dinner was organized in his honor at the People's Palace.

A joint statement must be made there.

So many opportunities to discuss all the sensitive subjects between the two countries, explains

Valérie Gas


The question of memory of course, always sensitive;

this had caused a falling out between Algiers and Paris last October, when Emmanuel Macron had reproached the Algerian politico-military system for " 

exploiting a memorial rent

 " and had wondered about the existence of the Algerian nation before colonization .


From Algiers, follow the statement by President @EmmanuelMacron and the President of the Algerian Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune.

— Elysee (@Elysee) August 25, 2022

Presidents Macron and Tebboune must also address diplomatic and security issues, such as the fight against terrorism and the situation in Mali, when France has just withdrawn its last soldiers from the country, or the relationship with Russia, on which the two countries have differences and that Emmanuel Macron wants, according to the Élysée, to approach in all frankness.

The question of Russian military intervention in Ukraine must also be raised.

For Paris, this is a major subject, which has consequences for the daily life of the French, particularly in terms of energy.

The Élysée affirms that Emmanuel Macron did not come to look for gas in Algeria.

But that won't stop him from talking about it.

The CEO of Engie is also part of the French delegation, recalls

Claire Fages



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  • Algeria

  • France

  • Emmanuel Macron

  • Abdelmadjid Tebboune

  • Diplomacy