Europe 1 with AFP 10:36 p.m., August 25, 2022, modified at 10:36 p.m., August 25, 2022

"We have a common past" which "is complex, painful" and "we have decided together" to create "a mixed commission of historians" to "look at this entire historical period", "from the beginning of colonization to the war of liberation, without taboo, with a desire (...) for full access to our archives", declared Emmanuel Macron.

French President Emmanuel Macron announced Thursday in Algiers the establishment of a joint commission of Algerian and French historians to study the archives on the colonization and the war in Algeria.

"We have a common past" which "is complex, painful" and "we have decided together" to create "a mixed commission of historians" to "look at the whole of this historical period", "from the beginning of colonization to the war of liberation, without taboos, with a desire (...) for full access to our archives", declared Emmanuel Macron during a joint declaration with his counterpart Abdelmadjid Tebboune on the first day of his visit to Algeria.


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For his part, Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune welcomed Thursday "encouraging results" which make it possible to "draw promising prospects in the special partnership that binds us", on the first day of the visit to Algeria by his French counterpart.

In a joint statement to the media, Abdelmadjid Tebboune stressed the determination of Paris and Algiers to "move forward" and "intensify efforts to enhance relations between the two countries".

"An intensification of high-level visits"

He mentioned the relaunch of several intergovernmental committees including the CHN high-level committee, the joint Franco-Algerian economic committee, the Algerian-French strategic dialogue committee and "an intensification of high-level visits".

It is also planned to "intensify cooperation at all levels and trade".

The meeting between the two leaders was also "an opportunity to discuss the security and political situation of common interest at the regional and international level", added the Algerian president.

"We exchanged our points of view, particularly on the situation in Libya, Mali, the Sahel and Western Sahara which require joint efforts to consolidate stability in the region," said Abdelmadjid Tebboune.