China News Agency, Taipei, December 31, the radio authority’s health and welfare affairs department announced on December 31 that starting from New Year’s Day 2021, the general insurance rate for Taiwan’s universal health insurance will be increased to 5.17%.

Based on this rate estimate, a family of four with a monthly salary of 40,000 yuan (NTD, the same below) will increase the monthly premium from 2,257 yuan to 2,488 yuan, which requires an extra 231 yuan.

  According to the news from the Central News Agency, United News Network, and China Times News Network, Taiwan Health Insurance was established in 1995, and its general insurance rate was increased twice in 2002 and 2010, from 4.25% to 4.55%, and then to 5.17%. .

In 2013, the second-generation health insurance was implemented. Under the conditions of additional supplementary insurance premiums and strengthening of the government's fiscal expenditure, the general insurance premium rate fell to 4.91%. In 2016, it was reduced again and the premium remained at 4.69%.

  In recent years, Taiwan's health insurance has suffered losses, and the balance of revenue and expenditure has been negative growth for three consecutive years since 2017.

If according to the current general insurance rate of 4.69% and the supplementary insurance rate of 1.91%, Taiwan's health insurance revenue and expenditure balance will only be 13.8 billion yuan in 2021, which is equivalent to eight days of expenditure.

  According to the current health insurance payment ratio, the insured pays 30%, the government subsidizes 10%, and the enterprise as an insured unit must bear 60%.

After the increase in health insurance premiums, the China Times News website described the feelings of the Taiwanese people with the topic of "purchase lost blood again."

  On the other hand, many Taiwanese small and medium-sized enterprises will almost certainly have a dismal end in 2020. The global economic situation next year is unknown, and the business community will still be unable to reduce operating pressure and financial risks. At this time, the increase in health insurance rates will inevitably make business operations worse.

  Taiwan’s "Business Times" pointed out earlier in its editorial that the fundamental problem with health insurance policies is that the pie of total insurance premiums cannot increase with economic results.

Now that the economic outlook is uncertain and the people's pockets are shrinking, a substantial increase in the health insurance rate is unwelcome.
