
Berlin (dpa) - The Berlin-Brandenburg Higher Administrative Court has confirmed the nationwide sales ban on New Year's Eve fireworks.

The court announced on Monday evening.

The reason given was: After many years of general experience, it was to be expected that improper use of New Year's Eve fireworks would lead to injuries that require acute treatment.

The treatment of the injured would also hit the hospital staff, who are currently heavily used, and potentially affect the treatment of the numerous corona patients.

Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) had banned the sale of New Year's Eve fireworks across Germany.

After the amendment to the First Ordinance to the Explosives Act that came into force on December 22, 2020, category 2 pyrotechnic objects - such as rockets and firecrackers - may not be sold from December 29 to 31.


The Berlin Administrative Court had rejected requests made by pyrotechnics manufacturers and dealers to temporarily suspend this provision.

The judges in the second instance argued that the ban seriously interfered with their freedom to exercise their profession.

But the overriding goal is to counteract any further strain on the tense medical care situation, especially in hospitals.
