China News Service, October 2 According to real-time data from Johns Hopkins University in the United States, as of 12:23 on October 2, Beijing time, the total number of confirmed cases of new crown worldwide exceeded 34.2 million, and the cumulative number of deaths exceeded 1.02 million.

After the female assistant tested positive for the new crown, US President Trump and the first lady were tested positive for the virus; the number of deaths in India was approaching 100,000; the epidemic in many European countries continued to rebound; a British research report stated that only vaccine Unable to contain the epidemic, there are still many problems to be solved urgently.

Data map: US President Trump and first lady Melania.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Chen Mengtong

Trumps test positive for coronavirus

  Nearly 20,000 Amazon front-line employees in the U.S. are infected

  The number of confirmed cases of new crown in the United States currently exceeds 7.27 million, with more than 207,000 deaths.

According to statistics, the number of confirmed cases in 27 states in the United States increased in September compared with August. Among them, the spread of the epidemic in Wisconsin was the most serious, an increase of 111%.

  Ohio Governor Mike Devine said on October 1 that although many people in the state are working hard to control the epidemic, "unfortunately, we still see a rebound in some areas."

He said that he is observing whether this is a long-term trend.

  On October 1, local time, US President Trump confirmed that his assistant Hope Hicks tested positive for the new crown virus.

After being tested for the virus, Trump posted on social media that he and his wife are both positive and will begin isolation.

Hicks has traveled with Trump many times recently and is the closest confirmed case to Trump since the epidemic.

  In addition, Amazon first disclosed data on its employees' infection with the new crown on October 1, confirming that nearly 20,000 front-line workers in the United States tested positive or "presumptively positive" for the virus.

In the previous months, labor groups and employees of the company have been asking Amazon to disclose the total number of employees infected with the new crown virus.

On September 21, local time, the Taj Mahal in India reopened to the public. The picture shows the staff disinfecting the railings.

 India's new crown deaths approach 100,000

  Virus detected in 41 mink farms in Denmark

  The new crown epidemic is still spreading in India, and the number of deaths is close to 100,000.

Indian researchers found through a large-scale contact tracing study that the continued spread of the virus in India is only driven by a small number of infected people. In addition, children and young people may play a greater role in spreading the virus.

  As the epidemic in Europe continues to rebound, the German Federal Government announced on October 1 that it will add Belgium and Iceland to the list of high-risk areas defined by the country's disease control department.

On the same day, Italian Prime Minister Conte stated that in order to avoid a rebound of the epidemic, the Parliament will be required to extend the current state of emergency beyond mid-October.

  As of October 1, local time, the number of confirmed cases in France has exceeded 570,000.

French Health Minister Vilan said on the same day that the Paris epidemic has accelerated and the official may list Paris as the “strongest warning zone” for the epidemic next week.

  In addition, Danish Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Janssen, stated that all mink infected with the virus must be slaughtered, which means that this measure will kill approximately one million animals.

Currently, the new crown virus has been detected in 41 mink farms in Denmark, and another 20 farms are also suspected of having the virus.

August 11, 2020, local time, Moscow, Russia, Binnopharm's new crown vaccine production laboratory.

Image source: People's Vision

American Biotech: Vaccines will not be put into use before the election

  British report says that vaccines alone may not contain the epidemic

  Currently, many countries are accelerating the research and development of the new crown vaccine.

The president of American biotechnology company Modena recently stated that Modena will not apply for an emergency use authorization for the vaccine it developed before November 25.

This means that the vaccine will not be put into use before the US election on November 3.

  On the other hand, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has expanded the scope of investigations into vaccines jointly developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca.

Prior to this, in trials of related vaccines, some volunteers had adverse reactions.

Allegedly, the FDA will analyze early test data of other vaccines developed by Oxford University scientists to determine whether these vaccines have similar side effects.

  Vaccine research and development work is in full swing, but a series of problems caused by it still need to be resolved.

According to a report issued by the Royal Society on October 1st, effective vaccines alone cannot contain the spread of the virus, because vaccine production and storage still face great challenges. In addition, the effectiveness of the vaccine and the public’s trust in the vaccine are also urgently needed problem.