China News Service, March 10th. According to a report by Taiwan ’s “Central News Agency”, Taiwan ’s “Outbreak Epidemic Command Center” announced on the 10th that two new cases of new crown pneumonia were diagnosed in Taiwan. One of them was the family member of the northern hospital clustering case. The second test was negative after being isolated at home, but symptoms occurred later, and the third test was confirmed.

The Epidemic Epidemic Command Center announced at a press conference this afternoon that Taiwan had two new confirmed cases of new pneumonia. The newly added case 46 is the family members of the previous Northern Hospital Cluster Case Index Case 34 and Case 41, which are males in their 20s in the North; Case 47 is a case of immigration from the Netherlands, which is a male in their 30s in the South.

Zhang Shangchun, the convenor of the command center's expert advisory group, said that case 46 was analyzed as a family infection because of contact with case 34 and case 41.

For this group, 9 people have been diagnosed. A total of 447 contacts have been identified so far, and 398 have been inspected, of which 8 were positive (cases 35 to 38 and 41, 42, 45, 46), 386 were negative, and the remaining tests were underway.

As for case 47, Zhuang Renxiang said that case 47 traveled to the Netherlands with two colleagues from March 2 to March 5, and returned to Taiwan on March 9 with a slight fever and dry cough. He sought medical treatment on the same day because the case was overseas. The history of travel and symptoms occurred, the hospital conducted a notification of the inspection, and the diagnosis was confirmed today. The negative pressure isolation ward is currently being treated.

Zhuang Renxiang said that according to the analysis of case 47's pre-onset activity history, the possibility of infection outside the country is high. The health unit will further investigate case 47's local itinerary in the Netherlands and continue to track the same passengers, relatives, friends, workplace and medical contacts as case 47. Health situation.