China News Service, March 9th. According to the European Union News Agency, in the early morning of March 9, local time, the Italian Ministry of Emergency Civil Defense and the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic News Center reported that as of 00:00 on the 9th, the number of confirmed cases of Italian New Coronary Pneumonia increased to 7,224 In a single day, there were 1412 new patients and 133 new deaths, and a total of 366 patients died.

According to reports, Angelo Borrelli, Italy ’s Minister of Emergency Civil Defense and spokesperson for the new crown pneumonia epidemic, said that at present, the new crown pneumonia epidemic has spread from 93 cities on the 8th to 97 cities. In addition to the complete segregation of cities and towns under the jurisdiction of Lombardy, cities and towns classified as red segregated areas have reached 14 provinces and cities. The number of people affected in the quarantine area is about 16 million.

Borrell emphasized that the current epidemic of new crown pneumonia is still very serious. As of 00:00 on the 9th, the number of suspected cases with a positive nucleic acid test has risen to 6,436, the number of severe patients has increased to 650, and 622 patients have been cured. Most of the deaths have occurred in Lombardy. To curb the spread of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, authorities are ordering 22 million medical masks, expanding medical teams and adding medical equipment.

According to the latest red quarantine decree signed by Italian Prime Minister Conte, the areas and towns included in the new red quarantine are those of Lombardy, Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia, Rimini, Pesaro Urbino, Venice, Padua, Treviso, Vercelli, Novara, Webano-Cusio-Ossola, Asti and Alessandria .

On the 9th local time, Alitalia announced that it will suspend all flights from Milan Malpensa Airport from the 9th. Milan Linate Airport operates only domestic routes and will reduce flight times as appropriate. Passengers can change for free or apply for a refund through the official website.

Affected by the latest quarantine policy, facing some people moving from the north to the south, the central and southern local governments issued decree on the 9th. Local governments in Sicily, Calabria, Campania, Puglia, Abruzzo, Molise, Basilicata, Sardinia, etc. require that people arriving from the red quarantine area must be quarantined for two weeks .

President of Puglia Michele Emiliano appealed on social media to the Puglians who are preparing to go south in the north on the 9th, please do n’t return to your hometown in violation of government laws and bring the epidemic in the north. To belong to Puglia. "You are like my children and brothers. For the health and safety of your family, please follow the law and stay in the red quarantine area temporarily."

Italian Health Minister Roberto Speranza said violations of the quarantine order would result in up to three months in prison and a fine of 206 euros. Those who are known to have escaped from the quarantine area or are still participating in social activities will never be tolerated and will be severely punished in accordance with criminal law. At present, the task of fighting the epidemic is very difficult, and everyone should be responsible for their own actions. (Boyuan)