This is reported by ABC.

"This book is nothing more than fabricated stories told by many former dissatisfied employees who said anything to make the president look bad," she noted.

NEW: Press secretary Sarah Sanders: "This book is nothing more than fabricated stories, many by former disgruntled employees, told to make the President look bad."

- ABC News (@ABC) September 4, 2018

Earlier, the media referring to an excerpt from Woodward's book reported that US President Donald Trump in April 2017 invited the head of the Pentagon, James Mattis, to kill Syrian leader Bashar Assad.

In addition, a former employee of the White House of Omaros Manigol-Newman wrote the book "Crazy: a look from the White House of Trump", which was on sale in the US on August 14, and before that the memoirs of ex-FBI chief James Komi were presented, dedicated to Trump, and the work "Fire and Fury: in Trump's White House" by journalist Michael Wolff.