This is reported by NBC referring to the statement of Sanders.

"We are disappointed, but not surprised that the newspaper decided to publish this pathetic, reckless and selfish material. This is the next bottom of the so-called authoritative newspaper, "she said.

JUST IN: Press Sec. Sanders calls on senior admin. official who wrote anonymous NY Times op-ed to "do the right thing and resign."

- NBC News (@NBCNews) September 5, 2018

"The person behind this article preferred to deceive, rather than support a properly elected president of the United States. He does not put the country in the first place, but puts himself and his ego above the will of the American people. This coward should do the right thing and retire, "the spokeswoman added.

Earlier, an American newspaper published an article by an unnamed source from the US administration, who told about the sabotage of officials of Trump's decisions, due to the fact that they do not share his views.

On September 4, Sanders commented on the upcoming release of journalist Bob Woodward's book Fear. Trump in the White House. "