“In fact, Vladimir Alexandrovich clearly marked the date when the debates will take place, this is stipulated by the current legislation, this is the 19th day and, in principle, Pyotr Alekseevich (Poroshenko. - RT ) agreed. The day was determined, the time was clearly indicated - 19:00 on the 19th, ”he said on the TV channel“ Our ”.

Razumkov also added that Poroshenko uses the website of the president as his resource as a candidate for the presidency.

“It seems to me that using the official presidential resource as a program and an announcing resource is wrong,” he said.

Earlier, Poroshenko called Zelensky "not to hide" and come to the debate.

The director of the communications department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Artyom Shevchenko, said that it is planned to attract “an unprecedented number of law enforcement officers” to protect the debates of Poroshenko and Zelensky at the Olympic Stadium.

State Duma deputy Konstantin Zatulin in an interview with the FAN appreciated the presidential race in Ukraine.