According to Okhrimenko, the candidates before the second round decided to "show themselves in all their glory."

“It is clear that Petr Alekseevich is very much in a panic: his actions have become sharper, more shocking. He is actually trying to seize the initiative from Zelensky - to show that he can make extraordinary, spontaneous decisions, ”he explained.

At the same time, the expert noted that he doubted that such behavior of the Ukrainian leader would have a positive impact on his rating.

“All polls show that these tricks of Poroshenko do not add him points. Most likely at the moment, that after all Zelensky will become the president of Ukraine, and Poroshenko will have to think about his future political future, and not arrange such provocative shows, ”the analyst concluded.

Earlier it was reported that Poroshenko, while in the 1 + 1 studio, invited Zelensky to come to the debate within 40 minutes.

That, in turn, contacted by telephone and indicated that Poroshenko was aware of his departure to Paris.