Launched by "yellow vests", the site of "True debate" has collected some 25,000 proposals, and identify trends that are close to the contributions of the great debate launched by the executive.

Reform of institutions and political functioning, tax justice, better public service and ecology ...: the "yellow vests" had also set up their own platform and voted on their demands ... similar to those of the "big national debate" closed this Monday. Launched in November by a collective of "Yellow Vests of Reunion", the site of the "True debate" finally became national and, from January 30 to March 3, collected all the "claims" of the citizens on "the subjects of [ their] choice without any exclusion ".

A striking detail: the software used was the same as that of the government for its great debate, made available free of charge by the company Cap Collectif. A total of 44,576 user IDs were registered on the "True Debate" website. The latter made 25,229 proposals, and generated 898,790 votes. From this consultation emerged a number of "favorable consensus proposals" which are four "large blocks clear enough," says Jean-Claude Zancarini, professor emeritus at the Laboratory CNRS Triangle of Lyon, who worked on the processing of data from the platform.

READ ALSO - The big national debate in numbers

The RIC at the heart of the claims

On the menu: the "question of political functioning, democracy" (Citizen's Initiative Referendum (RIC), taking into account the blank vote or null, against the privileges of elected officials - but not against elected officials), "fiscal justice and social justice "," a better public service, with a massive demand for proximity, nationalization, renationalisation "and finally" ecological demands ". In the top 100 proposals, the "suppression of remuneration and privileges of all elected (including the president) after the end of a term", the registration of "RIC in the Constitution", "virgin record for elected "," taking into account the blank vote or no vote as a vote and invalidating an election if it is a majority "or" nationalization of motorways amortized ".

Trends that are close to the contributions of the big debate organized by the government (via the dedicated website, citizen's notebooks, local initiative meetings and citizen conferences). "There is a lot of shared feelings on both sides, it's France, there's no separation between a group of excited people and then the others (...) the big difference is the Citizen initiative referendum ", analyzes Jean-Claude Zancarini. On the site, the researchers who participated in the study of the results warn however: "An online consultation is not a sociological survey, we do not control the sample and we know very little about the participants. "(profession, dwelling place, etc.). "1% of users wrote 35% of the proposals and 44% of the arguments", is it still underlined.

"A waste of time and money", for Jérome Rodrigues. Jérôme Rodrigues, figure of "yellow vests", believes that the "great national debate" was a "waste of time and money". Edouard Philippe presented Monday the balance sheet of the great debate launched by the executive and, noting "a huge exasperation tax", held that the government should "lower taxes faster". "They had two months of debate so that in the end, the first information to come out is a fiscal exasperation, but on November 17, we went down for what?" Failing to talk about violence, he might have We had to listen, "joked Jerome Rodrigues, questioned by AFP. "It's a waste of time, a waste of money".