The spokesman for the coalition forces in support of legitimacy in Yemen, Colonel Turki al-Maliki, said yesterday that the Iranian Houthi militias are not serious in participating in the Geneva consultations, and that it does not have any decision in its political movements or field, describing it as «just a tool». The coalition confirmed that it had granted permission to the Huthi aircraft to Geneva, but they were intransigent.

In detail, Maliki said that the Iranian Houthi militias are not serious about participating in the Geneva consultations, and added in a telephone conversation with «Arab», that «the coalition» supports efforts at the political level in Yemen. And committed to providing all facilities for the success of political efforts in Yemen.

"Al-Huthi's militias have no decision, whether in the political or military movements, they have no decision, they are just a tool," Maliki told Sky News Arabiya, referring to the Huthi abuses in the southern Red Sea and the Bab al-Mandab strait.

Maliki described the absence of the Huthis delegation to Geneva as "a maneuver, policy and methodology followed by the Houthi militias, a policy taken from the Iranian regime (known) procrastination and lack of seriousness."

He said that "the command of the joint forces of the coalition received a request for permission to leave the Houthi delegation, was given permission, and yesterday, we received a request from the United Nations to cancel the permit."

Maliki said that the Houthis announced that the leadership of the joint forces of the coalition did not give the Houthi delegation permission to leave their aircraft, "not true, an attempt by the Houthi militias to create a chance to not participate."

"We offer all facilities to the political side, and are committed to supporting the Yemeni people and protecting the Yemeni people," he said.

Maliki referred to statements made by UN envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffith, in which he said that the talks must be without conditions.

Maliki stressed that the militias of Houthi provided conditions for the United Nations or the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General (Griffith), and this is evidence of lack of seriousness and intransigence and the fabrication of excuses.

Maliki said the Kuwait talks with the Houthi militias, which lasted more than 100 days, stressing that "there was no seriousness of the Huthi militias."

Maliki's comments came in response to the absence of a delegation of Huthis to the Geneva negotiations, under the auspices of the United Nations, which is attended by a delegation from the legitimate government of Yemen.

Yemeni sources said that the General Authority for Meteorology and Civil Aviation issued a permit to start the plane carrying the militia delegation from Sanaa airport, thus denying the claims of the Huthis that the delay of their travel to Geneva to attend the consultations was because of the lack of arrival of a plane to transport them and the absence of permits.

Yemeni sources confirmed that the Houthis' delegation is presenting vague arguments to disrupt and thwart the UN-sponsored consultations.

The Yemeni legitimacy granted the delegation of coups 24 hours to go to Geneva.

On the eve of the start of Yemeni peace talks in Geneva, representatives of the Houthi coup delegation said they would not join the UN-supervised talks until three conditions were met, accusing the international organization of failing to live up to its promises.

For his part, Yemeni Information Minister Muammar al-Iryani published a statement of landing and landing permit for the United Nations plane, which is responsible for transporting the Iranian Houthi militia delegation to the Geneva 3 consultations. Al-Iryani said in a tweet on Twitter: "The militia leaders are trying to mislead the internal and external public opinion by justifying their disavowal of the presence by obstructing the extraction of the license."

The Minister of Information said in another tweet that the Iranian Houthi militias disavow their commitment to the international envoy to participate, and engage constructively in the Geneva consultations, confirm their lack of seriousness in dialogue, work for peace, and exposes their efforts to gain more time, in order to arrange their ranks, Extend crisis and war.

Al-Iryani concluded by saying that the efforts of the Huthi militias to thwart the efforts of the international envoy and the Geneva consultations are a clear implementation of the dictates of Iran and Hezbollah to disrupt the efforts of the political solution to the Yemeni crisis.

The Yemeni minister stressed that the leaders of the coup militias bear direct responsibility for the consequences of this at all levels.