The Yemeni government on Friday blamed the Houthi delegation for obstructing and not holding the Geneva consultations, while UN Special Envoy to Yemen Martin Griffith is continuing his work to bring the Huthi delegation to Geneva.

The government said in a statement that its delegation had been present at the scheduled date for the start of the consultations, in a commitment to search for any opportunity to alleviate the suffering of the people, while "the coupists have always fabricated excuses and put obstacles."

The statement pointed out that the failure of the coupers to attend on time, a clear indication of their intention to stay in the failure of any steps by the UN envoy to bring peace and alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people.

The delegation of the Government called upon the international community to take serious positions on this arrogant situation, which was used to seeking any opportunity to thwart efforts and not to seek any opportunity to save the people.

For his part, a UN spokeswoman said Friday that Griffith discussed with Yemeni Foreign Minister Khalid al-Yamani issues including prisoners, the arrival of humanitarian aid and the reopening of Sanaa airport.

The spokeswoman said in a press briefing that Griffith began consultations with the government delegation in Geneva on Thursday, and is still waiting for the arrival of representatives of the Houthi group.

Conditions of the Houthis
The Houthi delegation has not yet left Sana'a, and the group has justified that the UN could not extract a license for the plane whose negotiating delegation would be transferred to Geneva.

The Houthis have refused to leave the capital they control unless the United Nations meets their demands, including traveling on an Omani plane and transporting injured people to the capital Muscat and ensuring their safe return from Geneva to Sanaa.

It was supposed to be the fourth round of consultations between the parties to the conflict since the outbreak of the war nearly four years ago, and the first under the auspices of the current UN envoy.

The first two rounds of consultations were held in 2015 in the Swiss cities of Geneva and Basel, while Kuwait was the third in 2016, with little results.