Earlier, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and the Council of National Security and Defense (NSDC) of Ukraine supported the decision to impose martial law in the country for 60 days.

“If martial law is declared in Ukraine, knowing their habits, there and without martial law, there is always a gross violation of international humanitarian law: shelling of settlements, social facilities, the death of civilians. And with the declaration of martial law, probably, these radical nationalists will generally feel that their hands are untied, ”said Lavrov.

According to him, the Russian side, strongly urges "the western sponsors of Kiev still calm down those who are now trying to earn political points in hysteria due to the upcoming elections and other events in Ukraine."

Earlier it was reported that the Russian MFA on Monday, November 26, will be summoned by the temporary charge d'affaires of Ukraine Ruslan Nimchinsky.

On November 25, the FSB of Russia announced that three ships of the Ukrainian Navy had illegally crossed the Russian border, after which they were detained.