According to the senator, on November 25 it became clear that the “purpose of the provocation” with the crossing of the Russian state border by the Ukrainian ships is “to introduce martial law with the prospect of canceling the presidential elections in the spring of 2019”.

“I had to wait less than a day. Already at night, the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine took place, which, in my opinion, made a very strange decision to recommend the Rada to approve the introduction of martial law. But some kind of indicative introduction, because without a set of measures that usually accompany this. Without any restrictions, mobilizations and so on. That is, they are beginning to teach the Ukrainian society, the voters ... And in the near future, if the situation does not change, in which they are sure, martial law will become full. And there and the elections will have to cancel. In general, the classic provocation in the best traditions of Saakashvili, ”he said.

Dzhabarov also stressed that the Russian border guards showed high professionalism and did not succumb to the provocations of the Ukrainian side.

“Don't go to the fortuneteller that the British, French and Americans will unite at the Security Council. They will block any of our attempts to condemn Ukraine. They will demand the adoption of another resolution condemning Russia, which will also be blocked. That is, again, the situation comes to a standstill, ”concluded Jabarov.

Earlier, Poroshenko and the National Security Council of Ukraine supported the decision to impose martial law in the country for 60 days.

Russia sent a request for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council on the situation in the Sea of ​​Azov.