“The Azov coast of Ukraine does not need to develop any additional security system. In my opinion, there and so everything is in order. And if some danger arises, it is only from the actions of the current leadership of Ukraine and, above all, the president, ”said the senator.

According to Tsekov, if the European Union is actually going to allocate some funds, then, first of all, “this indicates its low level of understanding of the situation in Ukraine.”

“To provide Kiev with money in this situation to ensure the safety of the coast is an extremely unfounded and ill-conceived decision that will end, like many others, with simple embezzlement. But I want to emphasize that all this will happen only if the words Poroshenko correspond to reality. Maybe the EU is not planning anything of the kind, and these are just the pre-election words of the president, ”he concluded.

Earlier, Poroshenko said that the EU will provide € 50 million assistance for a special project that is associated with supporting the security of the Azov coast of Ukraine, in particular, Mariupol and Berdyansk.