Claire-Marie Le Guay, life is better in music (replay)

Portrait photography of pianist Claire-Marie Le Guay Credits: Carole Bellaiche

By: Jean-François Cadet Follow

Claire-Marie Le Guay is a virtuoso, rewarded at the Victoires de la Musique in 1998. For more than 20 years, her touch and her sensitivity have enabled her to lead an international career hailed by the critics, and to record some 25 albums. She was the guest of VMDN on the occasion of the publication of her book La Vie est plus belle en musique at Flammarion.


In addition to her talent, her musical culture, her generosity and her communicative enthusiasm have made her one of the best ambassadors of classical music around the world. Claire-Marie Le Guay teaches at the National Conservatory of Music and Dance in Paris, she also goes to the field, in schools in particular, to share her love of music and its instrument: the piano. How to make music loved by as many people as possible? It is precisely to this question that she answers in her first book, dotted with musical pieces, of which she gives us some of the keys. Life is better in music has been published by Flammarion.

(Replay of the program of November 28, 2018)

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