Ghost stories of Japan (Replay)

Cover of Benjamin Lacombe's book "Ghost stories of Japan" © EditionsSoleil / Coll.Métamorphoses

By: Jean-François Cadet Follow

Discovering the ghosts of Japan with the illustrator Benjamin Lacombe who publishes Histoires de fantômes du Japon published by Soleil and Matthias Hayek, a scholar specializing in the history and sociology of Japanese beliefs. 2019)


Each work illustrated by Benjamin Lacombe is a delight. The latest is no exception: it takes us into a world populated by fascinating creatures, sometimes terrifying, often malicious, and opens the doors to us as usual in a universe full of imagination, emotions and poetry. This time, this literary and graphic journey takes us to Japan: Histoires de fantômes du Japon , from an account by Lafcadio Hearn, translated into French by Marc Logé, was published in the Métamorphose collection by Éditions Soleil.

Alongside Benjamin Lacombe, Matthias Hayek , lecturer in Japanese studies at Paris-Diderot University, specializing in the history and sociology of Japanese beliefs.

Illustration taken from Benjamin Lacombe's book "Histoires de fantômes du Japon" published by Soleil, Coll. Metamorphosis © EditionsSoleil / Coll. Métamorphose

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