Teller Report

Weather forecaster Vilfand spoke about the abnormal cold in Russia

12/6/2023, 7:35:46 AM

Highlights: Weather forecaster Vilfand spoke about the abnormal cold in Russia. He noted that in the Arkhangelsk Region and in the Komi Republic, temperature anomalies are 12-18 °C below normal. Forecasters predicted severe frosts of up to -45 ° C in the Omsk region. Earlier, the Hydrometeorological Center announced an "orange" level of weather danger in Moscow and the Moscow region due to very low temperatures. In some areas, the air temperature will drop to -33... -38 ° C.

The scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, Roman Vilfand, in an interview with RT, spoke about the abnormal cold in Russia.

"About 60% of the country's territory is located in areas of abnormal frost. Now there is a stationary anticyclone, which is located northeast of Moscow, over the Volga, over the Urals, it determines the weather over a huge territory. The weather is very cold," the forecaster said.

He noted that in the Arkhangelsk Region and in the Komi Republic, temperature anomalies are 12-18 °C below normal.

"Frosts will reach -35 ... -40 ° C. In the north of the Central Federal District - 15-17 ° C below normal until the end of the week. In Buryatia, Yakutia, it is up to -40 ° C and below," Vilfand added.

Earlier, the Hydrometeorological Center announced an "orange" level of weather danger in Moscow and the Moscow region due to very low temperatures.

In Ufa (Bashkiria), a high alert mode was introduced due to the expected abnormal frosts. In some areas, the air temperature will drop to -33 ... -38 ° C.

Forecasters predicted severe frosts of up to -45 ° C in the Omsk region.