"About 60% of the country's territory is located in areas of abnormal frost. Now there is a stationary anticyclone, which is located northeast of Moscow, over the Volga, over the Urals, it determines the weather over a huge territory. The weather is very cold," the forecaster said.

He noted that in the Arkhangelsk Region and in the Komi Republic, temperature anomalies are 12-18 °C below normal.

"Frosts will reach -35 ... -40 ° C. In the north of the Central Federal District - 15-17 ° C below normal until the end of the week. In Buryatia, Yakutia, it is up to -40 ° C and below," Vilfand added.

Earlier, the Hydrometeorological Center announced an "orange" level of weather danger in Moscow and the Moscow region due to very low temperatures.

In Ufa (Bashkiria), a high alert mode was introduced due to the expected abnormal frosts. In some areas, the air temperature will drop to -33 ... -38 ° C.

Forecasters predicted severe frosts of up to -45 ° C in the Omsk region.