Teller Report

KCNA: The North Korean Academy of Defense Sciences tests the newly developed long-range cruise missile

9/13/2021, 12:07:46 AM

[Global Network Report] The Korean Central News Agency reported on the 13th that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s Academy of Defense Sciences successfully conducted a newly-developed long-range cruise missile test launch on the 11th and 12th. Park Zhengtian, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea and Secretary o

  [Global Network Report] The Korean Central News Agency reported on the 13th that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s Academy of Defense Sciences successfully conducted a newly-developed long-range cruise missile test launch on the 11th and 12th.

Park Zhengtian, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea and Secretary of the Party Central Committee, and Kim Jong-sik, Vice Minister of the Party Central Committee, watched the missile test together all day long.

Leading cadres and scientists from the North Korean defense science department participated in the test launch.

  The KCNA said that long-range cruise missiles are strategic weapons of great significance in completing the key objectives of the five-year plan for national defense scientific development and weapon system development proposed by the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China. In the past two years, its development work has been based on scientific and reliable weapons. The system development process has been steadily advanced. In this process, detailed tests, dozens of engine ground ignition tests, various flight tests, guidance tests, and warhead power tests have been successfully carried out.

  The report said that under the special attention of the Party Central Committee, the development of this weapon system as a core project is of great strategic significance. my country has anti-North Korean military activities that can more firmly guarantee national security and forcefully suppress hostile forces. Another effective means of containment.

  According to reports, the missile test was a complete success.

The launched long-range cruise missile flew 7580 seconds along the planned elliptical and figure eight-shaped flight orbit in my country's territory and territorial waters and accurately hit the target set at a limit of 1,500 kilometers.

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