Teller Report

France, the mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo announces her candidacy for the Elysée

9/12/2021, 9:46:12 AM

The mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo announces her candidacy for the Elysée. "Before our very eyes, the republican model is disintegrating", said Anne Hidalgo, recalling that she was "a French woman born in Spain" and that she had, in recent years, "listened to the French and the French". "Today - she added speaking. in front of a group of supporters in the 'docks' area of ​​the port of Rouen - I am ready. Today, in this port of Rouen, I think of my father who was a worker in the Cadiz shipyard. I also think of my mother, a seamstress ". In what appeared to be a clear first-person attack on the incumbent president Emmanuel Macron, Hidalgo said: "I want to start by putting an end to contempt, arrogance,to the condescension of those who know our lives so badly ". I want, he continued," to offer a future to all our children. "His program is centered on" a decentralized Republic, closer to citizens, with citizens ". Among the other cornerstones of her ideal of France, a "low-carbon", more "fair" country, with higher wages "especially for teachers and health personnel." Hidalgo spoke of a choice made "in humility and with the awareness of the gravity of the moment ":" it will be the appointment - he added - of the first woman president of the Republic with French women ".a decentralized Republic, closer to the citizens, with the citizens ". Among the other cornerstones of his ideal of France, a" low carbon "country, more" fair ", with higher wages" especially for teachers and health personnel ". Hidalgo spoke of a choice made" in humility and with the awareness of the gravity of the moment ":" it will be the appointment - he added - of the first woman president of the Republic with French women ".a decentralized Republic, closer to the citizens, with the citizens ". Among the other cornerstones of his ideal of France, a" low carbon "country, more" fair ", with higher wages" especially for teachers and health personnel ". Hidalgo spoke of a choice made" in humility and with the awareness of the gravity of the moment ":" it will be the appointment - he added - of the first woman president of the Republic with French women ".in humility and with the awareness of the gravity of the moment ":" it will be the appointment - he added - of the first woman president of the Republic with French women ".in humility and with the awareness of the gravity of the moment ":" it will be the appointment - he added - of the first woman president of the Republic with French women ".  


September 12, 2021The Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo announces her candidacy for the Elysée.

"Before our very eyes, the republican model is disintegrating", said Anne Hidalgo, recalling that she was "a French woman born in Spain" and that she had, in recent years, "listened to the French and the French". "Today - she added speaking. in front of a group of supporters in the 'docks' area of ​​the port of Rouen - I am ready. Today, in this port of Rouen, I think of my father who was a worker in the Cadiz shipyard. I also think of my mother, a seamstress ".   

In what appeared to be a clear first-person attack on the incumbent president, Emmanuel Macron, Hidalgo said: "I want to start by putting an end to the contempt, the arrogance, the condescension of those who know our lives so badly." I want, he continued, "to offer a future to all our children". Its program is centered on "a decentralized Republic, closer to the citizens, with the citizens".

Among the other cornerstones of his ideal of France, a "low carbon", more "fair" country, with higher wages "especially for teachers and health workers".

Hidalgo spoke of a choice made "in humility and with the awareness of the gravity of the moment": "it will be the appointment - she added - of the first woman president of the Republic with French women".

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