Teller Report

MSB: Risk of more fireworks accidents on New Year's Eve

12/29/2020, 4:45:03 AM

The Corona pandemic has led to several public rocket shows being canceled on New Year 's Eve. Now the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, MSB, is going out and warning that this could lead to more fireworks accidents in case people instead choose to shoot from home.

Since new rules for the use of rockets were introduced in June 2019, the number of accidents has decreased sharply.

According to MSB, which asked the largest emergency rooms in the country how many people came in with burns caused by rockets after the New Year celebrations in 2019.

The answer: None.

Which can be compared with when they asked the question after the New Year celebrations 2011-2018, when about 40 percent of those who came in with burns received these when using rockets.

Now, however, MSB fears that the accidents may increase again, if more people choose to shoot fireworks from home.

In the clip, you hear Rolf Weinander at MSB explain more.

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