Teller Report

Fukushima New Corona Confirmed 14 new infections A total of 672 people in the prefecture

12/17/2020, 3:03:34 AM

[NHK] On the 17th, Fukushima Prefecture announced that it was confirmed that a total of 14 people were newly infected with the new coronavirus in Fukushima City and other areas.

Fukushima Prefecture announced on the 17th that it was confirmed that a total of 14 people were newly infected with the new coronavirus in Fukushima City and other areas.

Newly confirmed are

▽ Fukushima City, with 10 boys under 10 years old, men and women in their 20s, men and women in their 40s, women in their 50s, men and women in their 70s, A man in his 80s,

▽ a woman in his 30s and a man in his 50s in Iwaki City, a woman in his 50s in

Koriyama City, and

a man in his 40s in Misato Town, Aizu.

Infections have been confirmed in the prefecture for 16 consecutive days, and the cumulative number of infected people has reached 672.

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