Teller Report

High demand for free FFP2 masks

12/15/2020, 3:36:14 PM

display Magdeburg (dpa / sa) - People from the corona risk group have been able to get three FFP2 masks free of charge since Tuesday - and the demand in pharmacies in Saxony-Anhalt is high. This affects people over the age of 60 and patients with certain chronic diseases. "We get inquiries without end," said Ursula Gütle from the Niemeyer pharmacy in Halle. However, she still has to put the custo


Magdeburg (dpa / sa) - People from the corona risk group have been able to get three FFP2 masks free of charge since Tuesday - and the demand in pharmacies in Saxony-Anhalt is high.

This affects people over the age of 60 and patients with certain chronic diseases.

"We get inquiries without end," said Ursula Gütle from the Niemeyer pharmacy in Halle.

However, she still has to put the customers off.

The delivery has not yet arrived.

This is what some pharmacies in the state are doing, said Katrin Pohl, spokeswoman for the Saxony-Anhalt Chamber of Pharmacies.

The day had started well, the demand was high.

So far, she is not aware of any problems apart from delivery problems, said Pohl.

They are due to the short-term nature of the regulation.

In the first four hours of the day, 400 people were already in the pharmacy of the chamber president in Magdeburg to pick up their masks.

That corresponds to about a fifth of the contingent available there.

The Chamber of Pharmacists had appealed to customers not to come immediately on the first day.

This should avoid crowds and long lines.


Due to the expected large crowd, the free masks will be distributed in the Paracelsus pharmacy in Dessau-Roßlau in front of the shop - but only from Wednesday.

There were also logistical problems there, said pharmacist Jens Prantz.

The existing FFP2 masks would not be enough for five minutes, believes the deputy chairman of the state pharmacists' association.

That's why he and his team start issuing them one day later.

It is currently difficult to check whether customers are actually entitled.

Pranzt hopes for the common sense of his customers.

People aged 60 and over and people with certain chronic diseases are considered to be at risk.

You have until January 6th to pick up three masks from a pharmacy.

Before the planned second issue in January, entitlement certificates are to be distributed to patients by the health insurance companies.

Until then, customers should present their identity card or self-assessment.

Gütle from the Niemeyer pharmacy has a lot of regular customers - age and previous illnesses are known.

As soon as the masks arrive, she initially plans to dispense them through the usual cash registers in her pharmacy.

However, if the rush gets too big, you may set up an extra cash desk.

"Or we distribute the masks in front of the door with a tray," says Gütle.


More about the regional pharmacists' association

More about the Saxony-Anhalt Chamber of Pharmacists

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