
Munich (dpa / lby) - At the start of the issue of free FFP2 masks to people from corona risk groups, the rush in many Bavarian pharmacies was great.

While some businesses were able to supply all collectors, according to the Bavarian Pharmacists' Association (BAV), several owners reported late Tuesday morning that the supplies had been spent.

A spokesman for the BAV named the “very short lead time” for the pharmacies as the cause.

There are also delays in the manufacturers' deliveries.

"We assume, however, that the situation will normalize across the board in the coming days and will relax noticeably."

The BAV also emphasized that people over 60 and people with certain chronic diseases can each receive three masks free of charge in pharmacies until January 6th. Those who are entitled to the masks do not have to "pick them up today," said the spokesman. There is still enough time until the holidays.